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Unleashing Web3 investing, powered by the community

Join 30K+ investors from Web2 & Web3 including Union Square Ventures, a16z, Coinbase, and more

Empowering positive change

Our Commitment and Vision

We’re an investment community dedicated to making a difference in Web3 through the projects we support. The community members invest across the Web3 landscape, including Infrastructure, Social, Gaming, Tooling and Crypto Services.

With the backing of our members, including many Web3 founders and builders, we ensure that every project receives not just financial support, but also the resources needed to thrive.

Juan #0845

GCR gives me the feeling that I am part of a digital tribe with like-minded investors & researchers where everyone is sharing their vision.


Community-led capital


Projects to-date


exclusive opportunities
each year


members working full-time in crypto & web3

Co-invest with the best

Some of the top names in Venture Capital have invested alongside GCR


Memberships for all types of investors

tier 1


Research and Content from the GCR team

Weekly newsletter and updates

Educational and research calls (public events)

Virtual and IRL community hangouts around the world

Ongoing GCR campaigns (earn $GCR tokens and free memberships)

tier 2

The Serious Investor

All benefits of the “The MVP" tier, plus...

Priority in all deals

Exclusive invite-only speaker sessions and dinners

tier 3

Web3 Native

All benefits of the above tiers, plus...

Access to investment threads & discussions in Discord

Participate in GCR Governance

and more...

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