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GCR CoreTeam
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GCR CoreTeam
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GCR CoreTeam
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September 13, 2024

GCR Community Events Recap – Aug 2024

GCR Community Events Recap – Aug 2024

GCR Community Events Recap – Aug 2024

GCR Community Events Recap – Aug 2024

Here’s a quick recap of the GCR community highlights for August

I. Research Articles

  • Atomicals: From Chemistry to Bitcoin

  • Near AI x HZN: Models and AI Payments

  • Deep-Dive into Move-based Blockchains

  • Arweave’s AO Computer Has Big Potential

II. Partnerships

  • Project Partnerships: Celebrated the success of our Web3 project partners and strengthened our collaborations.

III. Deals

  • Sourced Deals: Highlighted 7 new sourced deals across various categories:

    • L1

    • L2

    • DeFi

    • Infrastructure

    • Social Network

    • Web3

IV. Newsletters

  • The GCR newsletter is released weekly with two distinct editions:

    • Community Events Edition: Covers upcoming community events and activities for the week, along with a weekly crypto market update.

    • Research and Updates Edition: Features new research articles, the latest deals, market reviews, and updates from our portfolio partners and the GCR DAO.

V. Community Growth

  • Discord Community Growth: Welcomed over ~100 new members to our Discord community!

  • Twitter Community Growth: Over 12,300 Followers on GCR Twitter!
