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GCR Research Team | Delleon
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GCR Research Team | Delleon
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GCR Research Team | Delleon
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October 2, 2024

Prediction Markets

Prediction Markets

Prediction Markets

Prediction Markets

Decentralized Forecasting: The Power of Prediction Markets in Web3

One of the trends brought about by the rise of Web3 technology is the emergence of prediction markets. These platforms enable individuals to predict the outcomes of events ranging from sports and politics to crypto price predictions. As they continue to evolve, these markets can revolutionize industries, reshape economic models, and redefine how we anticipate and respond to future events.

How do Prediction Markets Work?

Prediction markets allow individuals to place bets on the outcome of various events. Famed investor Benjamin Graham once said, “in the short run, the market is a voting machine but in the long run, it is a weighing machine.” The same concept is applied in prediction markets, where the collective wisdom of the crowd is collected through wagers on an outcome. Over time, as we get closer to the resolution of the event and more information emerges, the prediction market more accurately reflects the most likely outcome. If you correctly wager on the outcome before the market fully prices it in, you can make a handsome return.

The Value Proposition of Prediction Markets in Web3

Prediction markets in Web3 bring several significant advantages, largely fueled by their decentralized and transparent nature. This decentralized framework prevents any single entity from dominating the market, fostering trust and encouraging broader participation. No central authority like web2 platforms can manipulate or control market outcomes and the transactions are executed through smart contracts, ensuring transparency and fairness in the marketplace. The inherent transparency of Web3 prediction markets enhances confidence in their integrity, making them reliable sources of information and insights for participants.

Web3 brings crucial advantages to prediction markets by eliminating the need for trust in a central authority. It allows users to participate without fear of manipulation, censorship, or fraud, as blockchain technology ensures a transparent and decentralized system. The use of smart contracts further enhances efficiency by automating key processes like market creation, trade execution, and payouts, reducing costs, friction, and human error commonly seen in traditional systems.

Moreover, Web3 prediction markets serve as effective tools for risk mitigation and diversification. By enabling participants to make trades that represent specific events, these markets provide a platform for managing risk effectively. Prediction markets serve as an effective risk mitigation and diversification tool, allowing users to hedge against uncertain events and market fluctuations. Using market aggregate crowd-sourced predictions can provide valuable insights that can guide more informed investment decisions, reducing exposure to unforeseen risks. Individuals and organizations can diversify their investments across various outcomes, thereby spreading risk more efficiently. The decentralized and transparent characteristics of Web3 bolster these strategies, offering greater security and efficiency in risk management. Overall, prediction markets in Web3 represent a significant advancement in forecasting and predictive analytics, unlocking new possibilities for accurate predictions, informed decision-making, and data-driven insights on a global scale.

Competitive Landscape

The competitive landscape of prediction markets is rapidly expanding, with new entrants in the Web3 space challenging traditional non-crypto players. However, traditional prediction markets like PredictIt or Iowa Electronic Markets still maintain advantages in regulatory compliance, which can be crucial in highly regulated areas such as political betting. This compliance often leads to wider mainstream adoption and user trust, and traditional platforms may offer a broader range of markets in sectors with intense regulatory scrutiny. As the prediction market landscape evolves, both web3 and traditional platforms are likely to coexist, catering to diverse user needs and preferences.

Here’s a look at some of the leading Web3 Prediction Markets:

  1. Polymarket: A decentralized prediction market platform built on the Ethereum and Polygon blockchains

  2. SX: The layer 2 for sports betting and home to the largest onchain sports betting application in the world.

  3. BetSwirl: A fully decentralized and anonymous online cryptocurrency gaming platform that offers users a fair gaming environment, enjoyable experiences, and innovative gameplay.

  4. Azuro: The infrastructure and liquidity layer for sports and games.

  5. Drift (Bets): The leading trading and prediction market platform on Solana.

AI Implementation

AI is being integrated into Web3 prediction markets in innovative ways to enhance user experiences and market functionality. For example, Polymarket has partnered with Perplexity to leverage AI algorithms that analyze user behavior and offer personalized event recommendations, boosting engagement by presenting tailored prediction opportunities. Additionally, it assists in market creation by generating new markets based on trending topics and user interests, while curating them for improved discoverability. AI-driven liquidity optimization ensures efficient distribution of liquidity across various markets, reducing slippage for traders. Moreover, AI aggregates vast amounts of data to provide insights that enhance price discovery mechanisms, making markets more efficient. In terms of risk management, AI helps detect anomalies to prevent manipulation and automates outcome resolutions by analyzing data sources related to specific events could drive broader adoption of decentralized prediction technologies, bringing them into the mainstream.

Risks and Rewards

Prediction markets in Web3 aren’t without their own set of challenges:

  • Liquidity Issues:

- Successful prediction markets require a sufficient number of participants and liquidity to allow easy entry and exit from positions.

- As the Web3 ecosystem evolves and gains traction, liquidity is expected to improve, creating new opportunities for these markets.

- Advancements in Oracle technology will enhance the reliability and accuracy of data feeds, further boosting market effectiveness.

  • Regulatory Challenges:

- Regulatory uncertainty poses a significant hurdle, as prediction markets may be classified as gambling in some jurisdictions, leading to legal complications. Ex: In 2024, the CFTC proposed a rule to ban derivatives trading in U.S. elections, citing concerns about potential influence on election results. This proposed ban could significantly impact platforms like Polymarket, PredictIt, and Kalshi, which rely heavily on political betting markets.

- As these markets grow, they will likely face increased scrutiny from regulators.

- Establishing clear and supportive regulatory frameworks is essential for the sustainable development of decentralized prediction markets.

  • Market Diversity and Longevity:

- Prediction markets need to diversify beyond political events to sustain long-term engagement.

- While sports and entertainment have established niches, there is an opportunity to create specialized markets for specific interests such as gaming, product launches, DAO governance, etc.

- Users may engage only with specific topics, making these markets highly seasonal.

  • Extended Market Durations:

- The need for markets to run for extended periods with uncertain outcomes can deter participation.

- Topics that take a long time to conclude may struggle to attract ongoing interest without clear criteria.

- To address these challenges, prediction platforms should focus on quickly creating and concluding niche markets that align with user interests, balancing engagement with market viability.


Web3 prediction markets are emerging as powerful tools for collective decision-making and forecasting. These decentralized marketplaces democratize the forecasting process, leading to more accurate predictions. One notable example is Polymarket, which is increasingly being used by traditional news outlets as a new form of polling for elections.Built on blockchain technology, these prediction markets offer transparency and trust, reducing the risk of manipulation. As they mature, these markets have the potential to become valuable for risk assessment and data collection, providing insights into public sentiment and market trends. In the evolving Web3 ecosystem, prediction markets are poised to play a crucial role in informed decision-making, by harnessing collective intelligence in a transparent and accessible way. 

This article has been written and prepared by Delleon, a member of the GCR Research Team, a group of dedicated professionals with extensive knowledge and expertise in their field. Committed to staying current with industry developments and providing accurate and valuable information. is a trusted source for insightful news, research, and analysis.
Disclaimer: Investing carries with it inherent risks, including but not limited to technical, operational, and human errors, as well as platform failures. The content provided is purely for educational purposes and should not be considered as financial advice. The authors of this content are not professional or licensed financial advisors and the views expressed are their own and do not represent the opinions of any organization they may be affiliated with.