The GCR Community

The GCR Community

Global Coin Research is a tokenized, decentralized community of learners and investors in web3.

$GCR is the native token of the community, which allows members who hold the token to participate, contribute and gain access to all that we offer.

By holding a set number of $GCR in your cryptowallet, community members are able to enjoy and participate in various events, deals and resources.

What We Offer

Content and Newsletter

Join alongside founders, investors, media and 30,000 other subscribers learning about the web3 space. Get the latest insights, trends and alerts from the community.


The core of our community and daily hangout spot for learners and investors. Join project and deal discussions, AMAs and community trivia.


Virtual and IRL events. From meeting founders and NFT artists on Discord to happy hours at sleek venues around the world.

Deal Flow

GCR members have cumulatively invested in over 30+ deals, in the sizes of over $800k+ for Pre-Seed and Seed fundraises, $5mn+in Liquidity Mining rounds, and over $20m in Growth Equity.

4 Tiers of GCR Access on Discord

Join Us on Discord Today!

You can acquire $GCR tokens on Uniswap now.

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