Latest Crypto News on Asia— May 10

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A chart highlighting investor expectation for cryptocurrency movements. The gray color being oversea investors vs blue being Chinese investors. The Y axis is the expectation of how much the cryptocurrency will move

A chart highlighting investor expectation for cryptocurrency movements. The gray color being oversea investors vs blue being Chinese investors. The Y axis is the expectation of how much the cryptocurrency will move

– Huobi Digital Asset Investor Sentiment Index April Report

The sentiment index this month was 83.9 points, up 17.0% from the previous month. When split into short, medium and long sentiments: the short-term sentiment index was 75.9 points, up 24.2% from the previous month, and the medium-term sentiment index was 88.4 points, up 15.7% from the previous month. The long sentiment index was 94.0 points, up 7.5% from the previous month.

– The datapoints colllected were from domestic and overseas channels such as WeChat public number, twitter, telegram community, etc., China, the United States, and South Korea

– From the short-term, medium-term, and long-term perspectives, domestic digital asset investors believe that the market value will increase significantly compared with foreign investors.

– Above is a chart highlighting investor expectation. The gray color being oversea investors vs blue being Chinese investors. The Y axis is the expectation of how much the cryptocurrency will move

-WeChat blockchain applet suspended service again due to violation

Today, shortly after the second release of WeChat’s contract, the applet was once again suspended from service. See the first time here The reason is that the “encryption” and other content operated by the applet belonged to the unopened service area and required rectification. Jingdong Finance will use blockchain and other technologies to jointly promote financial cooperation with the Bank of China

Recently, the Chairman of the Bank of China, Chen Siqing, met with Liu Qiangdong, chairman and chief executive officer of the Jingdong Group. The two parties hope to jointly promote cooperation in inclusive finance, digital finance, and scenario finance based on their respective advantages in the financial and scientific and technological fields.

The new head of Korea’s Financial Supervisory Authority (FSS) claims that Cryptocurrency is a financial asset.

His view on Korea’s supervision is that:

– The government should figure out what they should manage and what they should not. Once their plan is implemented, the cryptocurrency market will stabilize because the cryptocurrency will become less speculative.

  • He also added that once the authorities reach a consensus on the best direction of supervision, FSS will reveal new rules for cryptocurrency supervision.

— founder Zhou Jinzeng was taken away by the police for reportedly taking the investors money and not delivering promised Doubi projects

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