A Very Quick Student’s Online Guide to Understanding Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin and Blockchain

First, An Introductory Article

Five-year- old explanation (no, I’m not belittling you but it is alot easier to understand bitcoin through real world examples)


Next, slightly more technical, but videos make it easier 🙂

Next, onto Transactions and Blockchain technology. This will be more technical, but very good in walking through understandable

Last, put it into context and think!

Once you feel like you understand a little better on the technology side. One way to test your understanding is through picking coins that you’d like. Here are some easy steps to start;

Want to start fresh after the crypto crash? Here is a comprehensive guide on how to invest and prosper over the long term.
byu/arsonbunny inCryptoCurrency

Lastly, more reading!

Now, there are many other Cryptocurrency resources out there, but if you want to go deeper, I recommend reading a detailed book on the subject for the summer. Refer to the books I mentioned in the blog.

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