Latest Crypto News on Asia — May 23

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1/3 off-exchange bitcoin transactions traced to Alipay; Tencent issues a TUSI-sim card for IOT and adopting blockchain tech; last week saw EOS with most active commits, SKYFchain most focused in Telegram

Top News

1/3 of off-exchange Bitcoin transaction were through Alipay transactions
The National Internet Financial Risk Technology Platform have been able to monitor off -exchange bitcoin transactions and trace them to user accounts. Specifically, off-exchange trading monitoring, multi-level marketing currency monitoring, Bitcoin transaction tracking, Bitcoin offline distribution, Bitcoin cross-border monitoring, and ICO monitoring. Among them, off-exchange transaction monitoring shows user IDs and payment methods. Alipay accounts for almost one-third of these off-exchange transactions.

Stats: EOS code is the most active, and SKYFchain has become the most focused project in the telegram community
Last week (May-14?—?May-20) in Github, EOS saw the most active activity of 175 commits. In terms of community activity, the public homepages of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple (XRP) in Facebook are ranked in the top three. In Twitter, the top three fans in the project are Ripple, Bitcoin, and Ethereum. SKYFchain had the highest attention in the telegram community. DateCoin was the fastest growing project in the past 24 hours.

Stats: A total of 45 new digital asset projects were completed last week (5.14–5.20). In terms of location, it is mostly in Singapore, the United States and Germany. The largest number of newly added digital assets is blockchain infrastructure, followed by blockchain finance, real estate, cultural entertainment, and payments. A total of seven investment and financing projects in the blockchain industry occured this week. The maximum financing amount was Circle Internet Financial’s $110 million Series E financing.

Business News

– Tencent and China Unicom will implement a new identity authentication standard for the Internet of Things industry, and will issue a TUSI-compliant security SIM card product. At the same time, the Tencent Lab has released identity blockchain products to provide cross-certification services for the same user in different use cases.

Japan’s Daiwa Securities CEO Nakata Nasushi: will consider enter the cryptocurrency industry
According to the Sankei Shimbun reported on the 23rd, Japan’s Daiwa Securities’s president Masaru Nakatada said in an interview with Sankei Shimbun that if there is a business opportunity to develop cryptocurrencies as settlement infrastructure, it will consider entering the cryptocurrency industry. He also said that if the legal environment for cryptocurrency has improved, cryptocurrency will likely become a very practical platform. In order to improve the cryptocurrency environment today, the participation of large companies is essential.

– Tsinghua Team Builds a “Jueyi ??” Art Exchange for on a Coin-less Blockchain Project, funded by The Astar Fund

Macro and Regulation Watch

Singapore Proposes Regulatory Boost for Decentralized Exchanges
The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), the city-state’s de facto central bank, is proposing changes to existing regulations that would ease market entry for blockchain-based decentralized exchanges.

Thai encryption company wants to change improper tax measures
Thai Financial Technology Association (TFA) and the cryptocurrency companies hope to discuss with the Ministry of Finance the fact that the new regulations “are not conducive to the development of Thailand’s cryptocurrency sector and blockchain technology.

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