Today’s Crypto News on Asia — June 7th

Thailand developing digital currency; Bitmain mulling IPO, Binance AMA and bank in Malta; Vietnam potentially ban mining equipments; China Central Bank reducing “financial” risk

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Top News

Thailand Central Bank governor alluded to developing a wholesale central bank digital currency in the country’s wider efforts to push blockchain development.

Binance sets up bank account in Malta.

We asked questions on behalf of our readers at the Binance AMA who couldn’t make the event. The AMA was packed with great questions and answers, check it out here

Bitmain is mulling an IPO. The company booked $2.5 bn of revenue last year and cofounders Jihan Wu and Micree Zhan together own about 60% of the business.

Vietnam’s Ministry of Finance has officially proposed that the country bans the import of cryptocurrency mining equipment.

**Chinese Media** Central Bank’s Shanghai deputy director claims that China has successfully suppressed Cryptocurrency exchanges and ICOs, reflecting the effectiveness of the country’s ability to prevent financial risks. Google Translated link

Coin and Exchange News

South Korean police department has said it will recommend bringing charges against cryptocurrency exchange Coinone over its provision of margin trading.

Business News

Forbes lists the richest from South Korea with many of them making their money from Crypto. Find out what Kimchi Premium means.

Bad Packets Report has found that the US-China Association of Commerce website is stealing visitors’ computing power to mine cryptocurrency.

Macro and Regulation Watch

Some cryptocurrency exchanges in India are filing pleas to reverse India’s Central Bank ban of cryptocurrency exchanges and other crypto-related businesses.

Upcoming events

EOS Jun 9: EOSHackathon in Hong Kong

Ontology Jun 29: Block Co + Conference, Tokyo
Ontology Jul 15–19: Microsoft Inspire, Las Vegas

Vechain Jul 19: Distributed 2018 Conference in San Francisco

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