Today’s Crypto News on Asia — June 14, 2018

Thailand allows 5 ICOS; China allows JD to issue asset backed tokens’ INBlockchain partner feud with Kuaidi founder

What Crypto insiders are reading on Asia.

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Top News

Thai financial regulator is expected to approve five ICO projects out of 50 under the new regulatory framework that recently legalized 7 coins and exchanges.

Chinese e-commerce JD plans to issue asset-backed security token with approval from China’s Securities Regulatory Commission.

Reserve Bank of India admitted having conducted no research prior to its ban of banks from the crypto industry.

Coin and Exchange News

Binance’s fiat integration may lead exchanges to move to Malta.

Korea crypto exchange Bithumb to list Cardano (ADA).

SophiaTX likely to open office in China, according to CEO.

Binance will list Siacoin (SC).

Business and Regulation News

**Chinese Media** Li Xiaolai, partner from InBlockchain and one of the largest influencers of Crypto market in China, lashes back at Kuaidi’s cofounder Chen Weixing after accusations. Li claims Weixing’s crypto investment XMX is “air” and plagiarized EOS code. Google Translated Link, but best read in Chinese

**Chinese Media** Korea’s Coinrail has launched compensation plan today after its hack over weekend. The coins will be come from the coin companies themselves such as DENT.

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