Today’s Top Crypto News from Asia- Jun 27th

What Crypto insiders are reading on Asia.

Happy hump day! How about a little ??sparkle?? for your Wednesday with the news that Cryptokitties just launched the KittyVerse, an open-source license, and a program to invest in creators. Announcement here.

Top News

Larimer is proposing to remove the entire EOS constitution.

Exchange Huobi Pro didn’t get approved by Japanese authority and is suspending trading services in Japan from July 2.

Interesting take from financial times op-ed on what the Japan’s FSA strategy is when dealing with crypto risk.

The Innovation Alliance that enables blockchain advisory services adds Certik and Celer Networks, along with the founding member aelf and existing members Michael Arrington, Huobi Labs, etc.

Coin and Exchange News

Binance lists SELFKEY (KEY) and will list Nebulas (NAS) on 2018/06/28.

TRON has been added on BitMEX as the 8th cryptocurrency future contract.

Business and Regulation News

SECBIT along with Loopring teams works on a list of Token contract risks.

New York and Singapore are the top 2 cities in Quartz’ World Cup for Blockchain.

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Check our past 3 weekly pieces on Binance, Bitmain, and China’s Crypto winners

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I am not a cat person but I certainly like Cryptocats!

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