Today’s Crypto News on Asia- July 2nd

Crypto News: Binance to hire in Taiwan; OKEx expands in Malta; Coinbase Custody

In case you missed it this past weekend, check out our newly launched PODCAST!
Our first guest is
Benny Giang, co-founder of Cryptokitties, on Cryptokittie’s venture into Asia. We also discuss the $12mn fundraise from Andreessen and CK’s recent reportedly DAUs going down. Download it in the Apple Store

If you haven’t heard of Benny Giang before, you should follow him now. With Cryptokitties’ success as one of the largest consumer distributed apps and his experience bringing it to China, Benny is one of the most knowledgeable people on the intersection of gaming, Crypto and Asia.

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Top News

Coinbase Custody opens today to secure storage of crypto assets for institutions in both the US and Europe. Coming to Asia before end of year.

OKEx accelerates expansion to Malta.

Bitmain-invested CoinEx trading volume surpasses that of Binance.

*China Media* at the 2018 Asian Block Summit on July 2, CZ said that Binance has plans to build a Crypto education institution in Taiwan and is looking to hire a lot locally. Google translated news.

The Filipino gov’t is limiting the number of Crypto licenses it issues to 25, including 10 exchanges. Each exchange has to invest $1mn USD and a back office in the Philippines.

Coin and Exchange News

The world’s oldest exchange BTCC is relaunching its exchange platform and also planning to launch its own token.

Opening of FCoin’s Growth Project Market today with 21 cryptocurrencies. Seller is charged with a fee of 0.2% while totally free on the buyer’s side.

THEKEY and China’s ministry that manages the employment market will cooperate on research in the area of social insurance blockchain applications.
AMA will be held on Reddit at 8:00 p.m. July 4th GMT

There has been an explosion of Korean blockchain projects, according to the new VC fund Deblock founded by ICON.

Business and Regulation News

Microsoft Taiwan teams up with two Asia-based companies to create a blockchain platform for enterprises in the Asia-Pacific region.

Indian crypto exchange Wazirx has been working on a solution around the gov’t ban and it it is launching a P2P crypto transfer service.

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