CryptoKitties debut app on HTC; India likely treat crypto as commodities; World Cup $1.5

What Crypto insiders are reading on Asia.

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Top News

CryptoKitties to roll out a mobile app on HTC’s flagship phone, the U12+, through a partnership with the Taiwanese phone maker. Be sure to check out our podcast with Benny Giang, co-founder of Cryptokitties, on their go to market experience in Asia.

Authorities in India are likely to choose against a sweeping cryptocurrency ban and treat them as commodities.

The dilemma of consortium blockchain projects In China.

Chinese police cracks down on $1.5 billion cryptocurrency World Cup gambling ring.

Korea Blockchain Association indirectly admitted that its in-house inspection of 12 cryptocurrency exchanges’ safety and security may have loopholes.

Business and Regulation News

In the biggest open ledger initiatives in India to date, automakers and component companies have decided to implement a vendor management system on blockchain technology, potentially porting some 2 bn transactions a year to the new platform.

Members of South Korea’s political parties will present their draft bills on Cryptocurrency and Blockchain on it during the National Assembly, from July 13 to 26.

The Japanese Yen accounts for more than 44 percent of global volume vs the Yuan that accounts for less than 1% of global volume.

Coin and Exchange News

Citibank Human Resources Managing Director James Mendes to join as Chief People Officer.

LendChain invested in BITMAIN’s BCH Angel Fund, which will bring the Bitcoin Cash community support to LendChain.

Forbe’s “top 10 new blockchain companies to watch for In 2018” includes FCoin.

What did you guys think of our Global Coin podcast thus far with co-founder and Fortune Cat, Benny Giang, from Cryptokitties? And be sure to check out our latest collaboration with TechBuzz China on their 12th podcast episode Bitmain, with commentary directly from Jimmy Song and Tim Swanson.

Check our past 5 weekly pieces on Takeaways on Asia Crypto from Techcrunch Zug, Cryptokitties, Binance, Bitmain, and China’s Crypto winners

Podcast guests (yes, we have more than 1!) to be revealed today! Wait for it…

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