Latest News on Crypto news on Asia — July 21st

Latest News on Crypto news on Asia — July 21st

What Crypto insiders are reading on Asia.

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Quote of the week

“First day in Korea key takeaways?—?1. Over 50% white-collar are altcoins hodlers, crypto investment becomes Korean “American dream” 2. Retail are mostly secondary, the “pre-sale crave” is far less then as what’s in China/US 3. Many reversed ICOs.. 4. Super small dev community

– Dovey Wan from DHVC on Twitter on her takeaways from Korean Blockchain Week, check out the rest of her tweeted takeaways here.

Top News from Wednesday through Friday

EOS tops Chinese government’s Blockchain rankings for second-straight month.

Deloitte, Ernst & Young, KPMG and PwC have joined hands together with 20 Taiwanese banks to pilot blockchain technology for fiscal audits.

ConsenSys wants to build a “very strong” Ethereum blockchain-developer community numbering 20,000–50,000 in India, according to Kavita Gupta, who was appointed as Head of Consensys India. Expanding Delhi office from 6 to 40–50 people in the coming months.

Chinese crypto insider: Most Qtum-based Crypto tokens fail to hold up their ICO price.


Coin and Token News

McDonalds Thai and OmiseGo partner to introduce OMG payments.

Neo Global Capital makes multi-million first round investment into CertiK.

Ripple announces its plan of beating bitcoin in India as it attempts to take over almost 50% of the country’s finance sector.

CEO Justin Sun from TRON wins super node election. | 30% of his votes came from just one wallet, and in aggregate 90% of votes came from 6 wallets. Google translated


Exchange News

Huobi Global’s new Huobi Cloud allows members to build cryptocurrency exchanges based on Huobi platform.

OKEx has partnered with MSX, the Digital and Fintech arm of Malta Stock Exchange Holdings, to do institutional grade security-tokens trading. Launching in Q1 2019.


Business News

Chinese phone maker Xiaomi launches new platforms offering blockchain-based Mili tokens.*China Media* Rumor that former Baidu President and COO Lu Qi joins Bitmain, but Bitmain denied such news.


Regulation News

Brookings Institute: there are currently four actors engaged in China’s blockchain?—?private industries, the central government, local governments, and academia.

=> Korean banks will jointly introduce a blockchain-based authentication service next month.

Korea’s primary financial regulator will establish a new policy-making body centered on nurturing Korea’s fintech industry with a specific focus on cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.

Tax rates are to be reduced for companies in Korea that focus on blockchain technology, whether they are foreign or domestic firms. To take effect in Q1 2019.

A Singapore government service provider has launched a blockchain platform focused on cross-border trade between ASEAN nations and China. The platform will be open for outside developers to build new layers and services for specific use-cases in the trade flow.

What did you guys think of our Global Coin podcast thus far? And be sure to check out our latest collaboration with TechBuzz China on their 12th podcast episode Bitmain, with commentary directly from Jimmy Song and Tim Swanson.

Check our past 6 weekly pieces on A Guide to Asia Crypto funds/investors, Takeaways on Asia Crypto from Techcrunch Zug, Cryptokitties, Binance, Bitmain, and China’s Crypto winners

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