Top Crypto News in Asia from July 26- July 29th

Top Crypto News in Asia from July 26- July 29th

What Crypto insiders are reading on Asia.

Top News from Wednesday through Friday

Bitmain has started to explore policies and behaviors that aim to increase transparency and foster greater dialogue between them and the cryptocurrency communities at large.

BNB Holders now can receive loans collateralized by BNB with Libra Credit and also Binance Labs invested in Libra Credit.

Huobi announces Peer-to-Peer Exchange is going live In India, featuring Ethereum, Bitcoin, and Tether.

The bill should be passed as soon as possible.”-Korea’s regulator calls for ‘urgent’ cryptocurrency laws.

To clearly differentiate token categories, the Thailand SEC has divided ICOs into three types: investment tokens, utility tokens and cryptocurrency.

China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology [MIIT], the same department that published rankings for cryptocurrencies, has teamed up with Tencent to report on the implications of blockchain, including that blockchain has a “big role” in payments.

Vietnam’s financial regulator has banned local businesses from engaging in any issue, transaction or brokerage activities related to virtual currencies.

Coin and Token News

An indepth medium article covering how Bitmain indeed mines coins in secret.

An extensive list of all the EOS Chinese BPs and details on what they each have done for the community so far.

Exchange News

Binance partners with Malta presidency to launch the Blockchain Charity Foundation.

Binance’s fierce competition upon entering in Korea- UPbit and Bithumb with nearly 90% market share since 2017.

Business News

A Chinese social network of 130mn users that seeks to create the country’s most influential platform for content and knowledge creation, has announced a blockchain based initiative to rebuild its ecosystem, with support of Huobi.

Korean team introduces “Uber” on the blockchain in Singapore– TADA is a service that uses blockchain and digital tokens and charges its drivers zero commission.

Korean market landscape is quite unique, with cryptocurrency awareness rate being at nearly 100%. And any politician that doesn’t support the crypto industry will find themselves out of the job eventually, said CZ.

IBM and Krungsri, one of Thailand’s largest financial institutions with 8.6mn credit cards, sales finance, and personal loan accounts, announced a five-year US$140M engagement, to build out digital banking including blockchain technology.

Public blockchain, not individual DApps themselves, will breed something like “FANG”, namely Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, Google. — Dr. Xiao Feng, CEO of Shanghai Wanxiang Blockchain and a heavyweight figure in China’s blockchain space.

Regulation News

Japanese class action against Withcoin after viral promotions on the internet inviting investors to purchase the coin in advance that was going to be listed on a crypto exchange.

The Indian state of Telangana announced it will sign several memoranda of understanding with blockchain firms as to eventually implement the technology in state applications.

What did you guys think of our Global Coin podcast thus far? What do you want to read or learn more about on Asia?

Check our past 6 weekly pieces on A Guide to Asia Crypto funds/investors, Takeaways on Asia Crypto from Techcrunch Zug, Cryptokitties, Binance, Bitmain, and China’s Crypto winners

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