Binance’s DEX; Bitmain to mine Sia, Dash, $10bn rev in 2018; China accelerate blockchain adoption…

Binance’s DEX; Bitmain to mine Sia, Dash, $10bn rev in 2018; China accelerate blockchain adoption…

Top News from Wednesday through Friday

From yours truly- Bitmain on target for $10B revenue this year, looking to IPO in $40-$50bn valuation.

Binance has unveiled the first demo of its much-anticipated decentralized trading platform.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) of China announced that it would include two new projects, Nuls and Tezos, into their Crypto ranking that previously highlighted EOS as their number 1 choice. Additionally, MIIT is reportedly considering ways to accelerate blockchain adoption.

Bitmain released Antrouter R3-DASH & R3-SIA, new miners that is also dual-function WiFi Router and Crypto Miner that can mine dashcoin & siacoin.

About 50 ICO projects have shown interest in applying for Thailand licence.

India government is considering launching crypto tokens for financial transactions in the country, despite its hardline stance on cryptocurrencies.

Coin and Token News

Aelf CEO just had a Reddit AMA.

Tron has indicated it sealed a strategic partnership withMoshroom, a China-based portable smart toilet supplier.

Recap of AMA with Jake from Rate3, a company recently backed by FBG Capital and Kenetic.

THEKEY kicksoff meeting with Chinese government on research into social insurance blockchain Applications.

Exchange News

Binance Official stance on listings & partnerships.

Singapore-based AlphaBit Cryptocurrency Exchange will be opening up a new office in Malta.

Business News

China’s first digital invoice on the blockchain has been issued in the southeastern city of Shenzhen.

Singaporean VC Golden Gate Ventures is launching Southeast Asia’s ‘first dedicated VC cryptocurrency fund’ with $10mn in invested capital.

Korea’s Second largest bank, Shinhan Bank, has formed an alliance with KT to jointly develop a blockchain technology-based service.

Regulation News

Japan FSA has published the results of its on-site inspections of cryptocurrency exchange operators, looking to apply more rigorous oversight to exchanges.

Beijing court has recently concluded a case that a bitcoin trader who was sent 5 bitcoins in error must repay it to the exchange in spite of the trader’s allegation that the exchange violated the crypto trading ban in China.

Philippine Digital Currency Expert: The Philippines is one of the fastest growing digital currency communities.

Thai police have detained 27-year old actor Jiratpisit “Boom” Jaravijit in an alleged $24 million cryptocurrency scam.

What did you guys think of our Global Coin podcast thus far? What do you want to read or learn more about on Asia?

Check our past 7 weekly pieces on Southeast Asia Cryptocurrency Developments, A Guide to Asia Crypto funds/investors, Takeaways on Asia Crypto from Techcrunch Zug, Cryptokitties, Binance, Bitmain, and China’s Crypto winners

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