Top Crypto News from Asia: Sept 19–22nd

Top Crypto News from Asia: Sept 19–22nd

What Crypto insiders are reading.

Our new podcast with Crypto Congressman Jason Hsu is out!?

In this new episode, Joyce Yang from Global Coin Research is joined by Taiwan Congressman Jason Hsu. Jason has been given the nickname “Crypto Congressman” by Vitalik Buterin.

Jason has worked as a tech entrepreneur before getting involved with politics. In 2016, he became an official legislator and member of parliament in Taiwan, focusing much of his attention on bridging the gap between public policy and technology. He has since introduced several initiatives around autonomous vehicles, cyber security legislation, digital economy laws, and is now focusing his attention on crypto and blockchain legislations.

In our conversation, we discuss several of Jason’s ambitious plans to make Taiwan blockchain- enabled. He also expresses his thoughts on the state of Crypto regulations in Taiwan, and shares his unique views on the cryptocurrency and blockchain space in the US and the rest of Asia.

You can check out more of his thoughts on the Forbes article here.

Anyone else you recommend us to have on the podcast? Nominate someone by replying directly to this email.

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Top News in Asia from Wednesday to Friday

Bitcoin falls from 10th to 16th position on the latest of China Regulator cryptocurrency rankings. EOS and Ethereum remain unmoved at the 1st and 2nd positions.

Just a day after Bitfury revealed a new 14nm mining chip called the Bitfury Clarke, Bitmain has upped the ante with the announcement of a new 7nm application-specific integrated circuit processor.

Hong Kong Exchange to consider tech asset acquisitions as a new strategy, including those in the data, analytics and blockchain sectors.

Tsinghua University, one of China’s most prestigious universities, launched the first trail program of the digital fiat currency experiment in China.

Only nine out of the 34 Chinese public- listed companies that announced plans to enter the blockchain space actually developed concrete products and services.

The theft of $60mn of fiat, Bitcoin, Monacoin and Bitcoin Cash from Zaif, an exchange based in Japan, occurred last week and was disclosed by Tech Bureau in a statement on Thursday.

The blockchain ecosystem in India, consisting of developers, services providers, and other companies, are moving to crypto-friendly destinations such as Thailand, Estonia andSwitzerland among others.

Coin and Token News

Coinbase, EOS, and Stellar paid $60K to white-hat hackers this week.

The issuance of Tether, the controversial cryptocurrency tied to the U.S. dollar’s value, has had no meaningful impact on the price of bitcoin, an academic study has found.

ICON and SK Holdings, one of the largest conglomerates in South Korea, sign MOU to co-develop Blockchain models In financial systems.

Exchange News

Circle announced that its cryptocurrency trading app “Circle Invest” had added support for EOS, Stellar (XLM), 0x (ZRX), and QTUM.

Bancor has ported its public code to EOS in preparation for the launch of its decentralized cross-blockchain liquidity network supporting Ethereum and EOS Main Nets?—?BancorX.

Binance wants to hire for roles in Singapore, as well as 50 new employees in its headquarters in Malta.

Cryptocurrency exchange Huobi has joined Russia’s VEB Innovation Fund to share notes on crypto regulation.

Binance to solve UN sustainability goalsset charity, says New Chief Helen Hai.

Regulation News

A candidate for a local government seat in the city of Taipei has made history as the first politician in Taiwan to ever receive a campaign donation in bitcoin.

Business News

The National University of Singapore has created the “Cryptocurrency Strategy, Techniques, and Algorithms” or CRYSTAL Center, an academic research lab and think tank, aiming to lead as one of the world’s foremost centers for research on blockchains.

Animoca, the brand that helped Cryptokitties go to market in China, now is partnering with a new software developer called OpenST. OpenST creates blockchain “infrastructure” on top of which users can build scalable blockchain token “economies”.

Don’t Forget 

For New York City-based Crypto folks, our Blockchains for Schools Mentorship Program have officially started accepting applications for mentors for the school year. 

Our first mentor and mentee event will take place on September 29th, Saturday at the Airswap office. This is courtesy of Airswap, our Platinum Sponsor.

The mentees are 40 high school students from all over New York City, and each of them has gone through a rigorous interview process to make sure that they have a basic understanding of blockchain.

The program meetup will take place once a month, on a weekend, for 1.5 hours in the city. You will be matched with a mentee once you fill out this application here, it literally takes 1 minute.

We want to build something long-lasting. Help us, and help you, to build a supportive crypto community here. We look forward to seeing you at the meetup.


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