Exclusive for GCR Members: Complimentary Tickets to Columbia University’s Blockchain Conference LedgerFest

Exclusive for GCR Members: Complimentary Tickets to Columbia University’s Blockchain Conference LedgerFest

We are proud to announce that we are a media sponsor for LedgerFest ,  the premiere Blockchain conference at Columbia University.

Join our founder Joyce Yang this February 15th, at 11am to learn what’s happening right now in the Asia cryptocurrency and blockchain space. Is Asia crypto dead? She will be addressing that and more.

Be sure to attend the conference and find out, and see the other great panelists on stage from Hashgraph, ZCash, Kadena and Gauntlet.

Use “B@CINVITE ” in the promo code while at checkout to get complimentary admissions. 

And join the Columbia Team on Social Media:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/344767339408731/

Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ledgerfest-student-blockchain-summit-tickets-53368271938

Twitter: https://twitter.com/BlockchainatCU/status/1090681506090037249

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