Interview with Zhao Changpeng × Justin Sun: Blockchain will make charity more transparent

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After the breakthrough of its own business, the Binance and Tron began to look to the public domain of society.

The downturn in the digital currency market throughout the year of 2018 has accelerated the eradication of industry chaos. After a series of pressures such as weak currency prices, regulatory tightening, and reduced users, unqualified participants were accelerated by the market. On the other hand, the Tron and Binance are beginning to surface.

The Tron has become one of the “three major public chains” of Ethereum and EOS, and the transformation of the old download software BitTorrent has also received positive response from the market. Binance is also eye-catching. The platform currency BNB ranks among the top ten in the market value of CoinMarketCap. Based on the Binance Chain decentralized exchange, the DEX test network was successfully launched recently.

In addition to developing its own business, Tron and Binance will also look to the public sector. On February 14th, Tron TRON and the Binance Charity Foundation and the ALS Freezing People Association held a charity event called “Voice Your Love” in the United States to encourage people to express their love for ALS patients through social networks and call on the society to ALS. Patients and their families provide support.

Different from the past public welfare activities, the event also made full use of the blockchain background of the Tron and the Binance, and combined the blockchain technology with charity. Track the trend of charity through the blockchain to dispel donor concerns and ensure transparency.

The event was also supported by celebrities such as “Friends” starring Courteney Cox and Golden Globe winner Renée Zellweger, and love is still widely spread on social networks. We also contacted Justin Sun, the founder of the Tron, and Zhao Changpeng, the founder of Binance, to discuss topics such as “blockchain+charity”, socialization of blockchain, JP Morgan Chase, and how the blockchain will develop in the coming year. chat.

The cooperation between the Tron and the Binance has been very close, but most of the previous business cooperation. What are the considerations for this joint public welfare event? Why did the event choose to work with the ALS Association? Will there be similar activities in China later?

Zhao Changpeng: The Tron and the Binance Charity Foundation have always been good partners. The Tron has also donated 3 million US dollars to the Binance Charity Foundation to support the blockchain for public welfare. The two sides are also consistent in supporting the promotion of transparency in public welfare, enhancing the application of blockchain in the field of philanthropy, and benefiting more people from the application of blockchain. Charity and public welfare are good deeds for the participation of the whole people. I hope that more blockchains will join us and achieve charity transparency.

Justin Sun: The ALS Association is one of the most mainstream charities in the United States. The application of blockchain technology and the transparency and development of the charity industry is our long-standing hope. This Tron cooperates with the ALS Association. I think it marks the blockchain. Technology has entered the mainstream of the charity industry. We will also actively seek cooperation with domestic charities in the future.

What specific things do you participate in during the event? What means does the future plan to increase public awareness and participation in this activity?

Zhao Changpeng: The Binance Association provided blockchain technical support for the event to ensure transparency. With the support of blockchain technology, the Binance Charity Foundation has developed and launched the world’s first fully transparent donation system. All donations and donations are distributed in digital currency and will be displayed on the chain. Tampering; as a participant or supervisor, you can see the details of each donation online.

Justin Sun: We have not only invited entertainment stars to participate in this time. The political figures include Eric Swalwell, a US Congressman, and the sports representative, Terry Bradshaw, who has four Super Bowl winners. Terry Bradshaw), we will invite more mainstream stars and celebrities to enter the blockchain philanthropy in the future.

What role can the blockchain play in philanthropy? The number of Twitter fans of you (Justin Sun) surpassed V God in mid-February and became the “biggest tweet in the industry.” As the most influential individual in the industry, in addition to calling people to participate in ALS charity activities, how do you plan to use personal influence to influence the blockchain industry?

Zhao Changpeng: The combination of charity and blockchain is not easy to imagine. On this road of exploration, we also encountered various challenges: for example, how to let uneducated villagers understand the concept of blockchain; how to make blocks in areas where there is no computer mobile phone or even network and power. Chain practice, and more. But at the same time, we also gained a lot of surprises during the implementation of the project: for example, African school teachers who have never been exposed to the concept of blockchain can accurately understand the blockchain’s transparency to public welfare within half an hour. Help, and put forward a lot of “localized” solutions; through the combination of blockchain and traditional charity industry, we also see more and more people’s understanding of blockchain tends to be rational and correct. All of this motivates us to continue this exploration.

Justin Sun: What the future blockchain industry needs most is large-scale social attention and application, and I hope to use my personal influence to let more people outside the blockchain industry begin to pay attention to and use blockchain technology. Let blockchain technology better benefit the world.

JPMorgan Chase recently announced its own digital currency, JPM Coin, which has caused much discussion at home and abroad. What do you think about the impact of JPMorgan Chase and JPM Coin on the blockchain industry?

Zhao Changpeng: JPM Coin has made a positive contribution to the entire blockchain industry, hoping it will drive Wall Street to popularize the entire blockchain application. The industry is always the more people participate, the better.

Justin Sun: JP Morgan Chase is a landmark event for mainstream financial institutions to enter the blockchain . I personally think that the top financial institutions such as Goldman Sachs, Citigroup and Morgan Stanley will start to enter the blockchain industry. Different from the previous financial institutions to invest in the industry, this time is a real launch, which is of great significance for the large-scale application of blockchain.

Finally, I want to hear your predictions about the digital money market this year: How do you think the price of Bitcoin will change in 2019? What is the chance of a market breakthrough?

Zhao Changpeng: I can’t make price forecasts. If I make a price forecast, the consequences can be imagined (that is, 49% of the cases are wrong, because I am always optimistic). Our goals are generally set even further, 5 years, 10 years, 100 years. In the long run, the development of blockchain technology will certainly be faster and faster.Digital currency will not disappear, but will spread to everyone. Therefore, I am always optimistic.

Justin Sun: I think it is already the bottom, and the bear market is over. From now on for three to five years, it is now an absolute low. For this year, I think Bitcoin will fluctuate between $3,000 and $5,000. The opportunities for market breakthroughs this year include the explosion of the DApp ecosystem, the large-scale application of the lightning network, and the three major opportunities for BitTorrent’s 100 million users to enter the cryptocurrency market.

This is translated from an interview in Chinese Media Site Mars Finance.

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