Going to Hong Kong? Here’s our comprehensive guide for you while you are there

Going to Hong Kong? Here’s our comprehensive guide for you while you are there

Despite being just a city, Hong Kong has historically enjoyed being a special economic zone for China, and has now developed its own regulations and approach to cryptocurrency and blockchain than that of China. We highly recommend everyone to stop by Hong Kong when they visit Asia to get some of the best feels of what’s going on in Asia crypto scene.

1)Read the latest about Hong Kong’s crypto ecosystem:

-Recent news about Hong Kong ‘s approach to blockchain and cryptocurrency on South Morning China Post, one of the best English language media outlets that highlights what’s going on locally and globally.

-Follow Cointelegraph’s coverage of Hong Kong happenings to get high-level el idea of what’s going on.

-A Quick Guide into Cryptocurrency-related regulators, history and companies in Hong Kong and China by Global Coin Research

-Read up on our book recommendations about China and its internet economy

-Read our interview highlights with Leo Weese, the president of the Bitcoin Association of Hong Kong.

Checkout the Hong Kong Bitcoin association’s article on Bitcoin Regulation:https://www.bitcoin.org.hk/hong-kong-bitcoin-regulation/

2) Listen to learn about China’s crypto ecosystem and the regulators involvement:

An interview with Leo Weese from the Bitcoin Association of Hong Kong on China and Hong Kong regulators’ approach to Bitcoin from a political, cultural and humanitarian perspective.

3) Follow these local blockchain communities for events:

The leading meetup groups are BitcoinHK, Ethereum Hong Kong and the Genesis Block. The Bitcoin Association of Hong Kong also maintain a calendar with all events that people can simply import into ical or google calendar.

4) Checkout these co-working spaces hosting crypto communities:

Genesis Block (GB) and Bitwork are dedicated to crypto. GB is less of a co-working space but pretty good if you need a works-space for an afternoon or even full day. There is also Garage Society, which takes Bitcoin payments across their locations.

5) Crypto Neighborhoods and Businesses in Hong Kong

Most business and social activity tend to happen in the corridor around Causeway Bay and Sheung Wan, and most crypto businesses are also there, maybe with more of a focus on the Wan Chai/Causeway Bay area.

You can also checkout the infamous Cheung Kong Center that Bitmex is in.

6) Checkout these cool restaurant and bars that take bitcoin and are popular for meetups.

7) Note down the most important events that happens in Hong Kong.

The biggest crypto conferences are Token2049 and Blockchainweek. RISE is probably the main startup event every year with by far the largest number of attendees and lots of crypto stuff. The Hong Kong Bitcoin assocation also host their conference called SPOT.

8) Follow these folks based in Hong Kong!

We sincerely thank Leo Weese from the Bitcoin Association of Hong Kong for his inputs.

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