Join Global Coin Research and Messari’s Joint Conference Call with Josh Swihart, Electric Coin Company’s VP of Marketing and Business Development, to talk about its Asia Focus in 2019

Join Global Coin Research and Messari’s Joint Conference Call with Josh Swihart, Electric Coin Company’s VP of Marketing and Business Development, to talk about its Asia Focus in 2019

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In the last year, the Electric Coin Company, formerly Zcash, has been moving beyond the technical and scientific cypherpunk community towards those with a need or desire for an alternative store of value (SoV). And for that reason, Electric Coin Company has begun focusing on countries in Asia as primary targets for their research, marketing and business development efforts.

As Josh Swihart, Electric Coin Company’s head of business development and marketing, highlighted in a company post in January, Electric Coin Company will begin focusing on Japan, South Korea, Singapore and Hong Kong. The team also intends to lightly engage in the Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. 

For this call, we invite Josh to share with us his thought process for onboarding users in Asia, with his outline of the customer decision journey, focusing first on SoV use cases for near-term full adoption and then exploring medium of exchange (MoE) use cases in an effort to find product-market fit. 

Josh and Zooko also recently went to a number of countries in Asia and held a number of local meetups. We will ask for their takeaways there.

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Global Coin Research offers subscribers resources and analyses, including invite-only meetups, resources, and insights on the most important happenings in Asia.

About Josh Swihart:

Josh is responsible for Electric Coin Company’s marketing and business development. Prior to Electric Coin Company, he served as the Senior Vice President of Global Marketing for K2, leading global growth from start-up to acquisition by Francisco Partners. He has also served as a global practice principal for EMC, the CEO of Aspenware, and was the co-founder of a couple other companies with exits to Accenture and EMC. He began his career as a software developer, data recovery specialist and BBS sysop. Josh has received numerous global and national awards for leadership, marketing and solution delivery.

About Zcash:

Electric Coin Company’s mission is to empower everyone with economic freedom and opportunity. We believe that everyone has a right to privacy, that the pursuit of economic freedom is virtuous, and that the future of money is an attack- and censorship-resistant digital currency. Since its launch in 2016, Electric Coin Company has quickly grown to be one of the most valued and admired cryptocurrencies in the world.

Details of the Call

Date: Next Thursday, May 9th, 2019

Time: 1pm PT – 1:45pm PT / 4:00pm ET – 4:45pm ET

Location: Conference Call (dial-details to be shared by email)

Host: Joyce Yang, Founder of GCR; Ryan Selkis, founder and CEO of Messari; and Josh Swihart, Head of Business Development and Marketing for Electric Coin Company

Format:  We will have Josh kick it off with him sharing his takeaways from his recent trip in Asia with Zooko. We will then cover Electric Coin Company vision and Josh’s outline of the customer adoption journey. Lastly, we’ll open up for questions from the audience.

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