Global Coin Research x The Information Conference Call- On Facebook’s Cryptocurrency Announcement

Global Coin Research x The Information Conference Call- On Facebook’s Cryptocurrency Announcement

As you may know, when you become a premium subscriber to Global Coin Research, you get complimentary access to The Information’s insightful, quarterly cryptocurrency conference calls. Don’t miss the upcoming call from the team on Facebook and its cryptocurrency announcement ahead of its launch 

An Analysis: Facebook’s Cryptocurrency Announcement

Join The Information reporters Alex Heath and Jon Victor and other special guests for an analysis of the announcement of Facebook’s new cryptocurrency on the expected day of the announcement. 

Check out the newly released article on Eight Takeaways From Facebook’s Libra Cryptocurrency

?Become a premium member now and get immediate access to the conference call call. You’ll also get access to all the Global Coin Research resources and analyses including access to future event discounts and the most important crypto information about Asia delivered to your inbox.?

Alex and Jon broke major details of the initiative last week, which you read about here. We have share part of the article below as well.

This call will analyze the full announcement and answer questions, including:

  • What does the new project mean for the entire crypto industry and competitors?
  • Will we see other big tech companies enter the crypto fray?
  • How will the project affect Facebook’s business. What should FB investors think?
  • How will the project affect regulatory scrutiny of Facebook?

From the team that brought you:

Tuesday, June 18, 2019 
10:00 am PT – 10:45 am PT | 1pm ET-1:45 ET

Conference Call -All subscribers will receive dial-in details 30 minutes prior to the call.

?Become a premium member now and get immediate access to the call. You’ll also get access to all the Global Coin Research resources and analyses including access to future event discounts and the most important crypto information about Asia delivered to your inbox.

Facebook Plans Outside Foundation to Govern Cryptocurrency

By Alex Heath and Jon Victor 

Facebook plans to cede control of its forthcoming cryptocurrency to outside backers, a move meant to encourage trust in the digital payment system and reassure financial regulators, The Information has learned.

In recent months, the social network has courted dozens of financial institutions and other tech companies to join an independent foundation that will contribute capital and help govern the digital currency, according to people briefed on the plan. The digital token, which Facebook is expected to unveil later this month, is designed to function as a borderless currency without transaction fees and will be aggressively marketed in developing nations where government-backed currencies are more volatile, the people said.

While the token will be mainly visible to users through Facebook’s suite of apps, including Messenger and WhatsApp, the company is also planning ways for the token to be used for payments in the physical world. Facebook plans to offer sign-up bonuses to users in partnership with merchants, who will accept the cryptocurrency as a method of payment in stores, the people briefed on the plan said. The company also plans to offer physical terminals similar to ATMs where people will be able to exchange other currencies for the token.

Read the rest of the article here.

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