Japan Zaif Exchange to Close on August 22nd and Return Money to Users

Japan Zaif Exchange to Close on August 22nd and Return Money to Users

Global Coin Research focuses on global cryptocurrency happenings. We are delighted to bring you the major happenings from Japan with our partnership with Coinpost, the number one leading cryptocurrency-focused media in Japan.

Tech Bureau Co. Ltd., owner of Zaif, one of the cryptocurrency exchanges in Japan, officially announced that it will close on August 22nd.  This is the first time that a registered trader of the virtual currency exchange business under the Financial Services Agency is going out of business.

The company announced the closure of the virtual currency exchange business as well as a refund policy for customers that have remaining assets in the exchange.

Tech Bureau also said refunds to customers may incur additional costs when refunding in cryptocurrencies, so everyone will be refunded in Japanese yen.

Refund fees will be handled by Zaif, and the refund date will be scheduled on the 15th and the last day of each month after the application for refund has been completed by the customer. The acceptance period is from September 2 to November 30.

The official Tech Bureau material includes details on how to apply for a refund.

Coinpost Source: https://coinpost.jp/?p=102826&from=new_top

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