Lately, I’ve been reading about the history of Uber in a newly released book called Superpumped by Mike Isaac, and re-learning the story of Uber made me reflect on ourselves and Global Coin Research, so I’d like to share in this post of what we see of ourselves, our history, our mission and our future. The book is fantastic by the way, full of details and juicy highlights of Uber’s heydays with many parallels to the crypto community (with many events also taking place in San Francisco), so I highly encourage folks to check it out.

Very few readers know that I was one of the bright eye, curious startup enthusiasts coming out of college. I was attracted to the no-health insurance, late-night jam session, full-on responsibility Silicon Valley ethos coming out of Harvard, along with many folks who also entered the industry at that time, inspired by the story of Steve Jobs and many startup founders in that generation. After spending 2 weeks into my first job out of college at Fidelity Investments out of Boston,  I realize I couldn’t spend my twenties “retiring” at my job (sorry Fidelity), and subsequently moved to San Francisco to work for a YCombinator company called Ark. There, I went through all the adventures that a Bay Area startup life has to offer, working out of the founders house in East Bay and then moving into our first office in SOMA, meeting similarly minded folks and those that I’ve looked up to at startup houses and the typical annual August Capital parties, and feverishly following the annual TechCrunch disrupt events (they were still small back then!).

Over the years, I held various jobs and positions in finance and tech, and since discovering Bitcoin and Ethereum, Global Coin Research has become a platform that combined all of those knowledge, passions and beyond. I don’t necessarily believe that Bitcoin or any cryptocurrency will take over any country or world’s financial system in the next 10 years, but I do believe 100% that the technology, people and passion coming from this global community will power the next trillion-dollar market. Who, what and where would it be surfacing first? Time will soon tell.

In the last couple of years, I’ve built Global Coin Research to consistently focus on bridging the knowledge, culture and information gap between Asia and the US. My passion and curiosity for Asia stem from my spending 10 years as a child in China. Now, reconnecting with the quality technology communities, identifying similarly minded groups and core crypto-enthusiasts not just in China, but also Korea, Japan, Southeast Asia is something we take extreme enjoyment and pride in.

In crypto, we consistently highlight to local companies and projects who are committed to true decentralization to go overseas and outside their locale, and we aim to help them with our resources such as our handbook to Asia, workshops and interviews.  All of our materials and resources provided on the platform only becomes more valuable, because we’ve become the defacto onboarding platform for English speaking folks who are looking to learn about Asia and its crypto scene.

Global Coin Research Cryptocurrency Services

In the global market right now, I’d say that crypto adoption in the form of speculation has toned down a bit, but that will not disappear for a long while. The interest for defi is rising and connecting some of the original crypto enthusiasts around the world. The founders who are committed and truly believes in the space long term will prevail, and I’d argue not necessarily because they are better than others in technical knowledge, or pure smarts, but because they are the hustlers who are pushing the technology in uncharted territories and they will always be first when they get there.

When I advise crypto companies, I tell them that the crypto industry is currently in a state where your hard work will show direct payoffs, and the impact you make will be felt globally at a pace faster than any other industry. We see that with our content, where our pieces and voices resonate with hundreds of thousands of audience a month in China, Japan, Korea Singapore, and similarly we see that in terms of valuable tools, protocols and technology adoption.

We also want to push this space along the way we want to see it evolve. As a result, we are officially announcing some more services and offerings coming to the community effective now –

  • We are launching Global Coin Services and officially going into strategic consulting. We believe our unique perspectives in Asia and globally can help many projects think through their global approaches and strategies. Our clients currently include Starkware and Certora, two amazing companies invested by Vitalik Buterin and Balaji Srinivasan, respectively. These teams are led by leading researchers and professors in their respective fields and they already come with a strong track record of customers including Coinbase, Compound and Celo. For any crypto company looking to get empowered by robust tools and infrastructure, I highly encourage you to check out both companies’ products. In the past, we’ve worked with Tezos and informally advised Kakaotalk Klatyn, both of which are wonderful, strong teams, as well. And I want to clarify, Global Coin Services is not created to just make money, we want to work with partners who are truly committed to decentralization and help them navigate Asia and strategize globally. We work with those whom we believe will be long term partners, so shoot us an email at hello@globalcoinresearch.com if you are interested in chatting.
  • We are also going to partake in investing in a few investments through our newly established investing vehicle called Global Coin Ventures, focusing primarily on equity deals. In the past, I’ve been a personal investor in NEAR Protocol, a mentor at Techstar’s Blockchain accelerator, a judge at EthBoston, EthNew York, and the upcoming Cryptokitties x Cheeze Wizards hackathon along with the renowned Fred Wilson and Linda Xie. I enjoy investing and meeting early founders and would love to help out in any way I can. With now more tools and infrastructure in place for entrepreneurs to build on top of crypto, I see noticeably more potential for breakthrough and interesting consumer companies to arise. Global Coin Ventures can provide teams a robust, supportive and established global network and resources. If you’d like to chat and learn more, contact us at hello@globalcoin.ventures
  • Disclosures and ethics [I added some more stuff since the initial post]: as someone coming from journalism and finance, I take disclosures and ethics very seriously (and you shouldn’t work with those who doesn’t). Every time we make an investment or start a working relationship, we’ve always disclosed immediately in our ethics page, which you can see the dates in which we begin our contractual agreements. We’ll also disclose extensively in any type of written publication should the content is related to any companies we service or invest.
  • Historically, there are many instances in which journalists become investors. For us, we recognize that we have access to information and people, but we also care about sharing that information with the outside world, and educating our readers and clients on the communities, culture and local happenings. Ultimately, I acknowledge that in this industry, ethics and good behavior is often self-reinforced, I take the long term approach to staying in this industry and hold myself and my team to strict standards. If you have issues with us, click unsubscribe now and ignore us forever, or feel free to ping me for coffee at Devcon, or call us out on Twitter and we’ll self-evaluate.

I want to make a special thank you to some folks who have supported me and Global Coin Research along this journey and in providing valuable advice and insights, namely Linda Xie, Kartik Talwar, Maria Shen, Avichal Garg, John Chen, Jian Wei Gan, Benny Giang, and Tarun Chitra.

Thank you,

Joyce Yang

Founder of Global Coin Research

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