Friday News Roundup

Top News from Tuesday to Today

Why is China cracking down on Crypto AGAIN? Here’s an example of how China’s planned digital currency DCEP has taken a whole new and sad life of its own.

Binance CZ has argued that The Block’s article on Binance’s Shanghai office “raid” is completely false- The Block has yet to take down the article. Here’s why we think it doesn’t really matter and why the market is really down.

After attempting to list 3 times in Asia, Bitcoin Miner Maker Canaan successfuly listed on NASDAQ yesterday, but it’s down 10% this morning.

Following Shanghai, the finance bureau of Shenzhen municipality is cracking down on exchanges and has identified 39 undisclosed cryptocurrency exchanges for inspection, the Shenzhen Special Zone Daily, affiliated with the Communist Party of China (CPC) Shenzhen Committee.

Harvard academics enacted a situation where North Korea was able to successfully launch a nuclear missile funded by a digital currency issued by the People’s Bank of China, thus bypassing the global banking system. Such as scenario, they determined, could mean the delivery of a warhead to the continental US in as little as six to nine months.

Binance has acquired Indian bitcoin exchange WazirX. In Q1 of 2020, WazirX’s unique auto-matching engine will be integrated into the Binance Fiat Gateway platform itself. This may be related to the recent news that parliament puts off reading of Indian crypto ban bill to after Winter session.

The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), the city-state’s de facto central bank, may soon allow cryptocurrency-based derivatives to be traded on regulated platforms.

Here are some reliable people who write/ tweet about China that we would check our sources with.


Mythical Games has raised $19 million for its game studio that will make blockchain-based games- Javelin Venture Partners led the round and ninvestors include Avon Ventures, Alumni Ventures, and Hashed.

3 Chinese firms have set up a $1billion dollar blockchain fund called “Global Digital Bank Consortium Blockchain Investment Fund” under  fintech firm HDFH, venture firm Zhongguancun Private Equity & Venture Capital Association (ZVCA) and Yillion Bank.

?  Coins News

China’s digital currency not seeking ‘full control’ of individuals’ details – central bank official: “we will give those people who demand it anonymity in their transactions”, and “We are not seeking full control of the information of the general public.”

Bitcoin miner maker Canaan Creative raises $90 million in U.S. IPO.

Tether cumulative on–chain volume just surpassed 100 billion USD, an increase of more than 6000% since the beginning of 2019.

?  Exchange News

China, Big Tech, and Whales: The SFOX Crypto Market Volatility Report, October 2019.

Who’s behind this? #21: Max Boonen, Co-Founder and CEO of B2C2 – The #1 liquidity provider in Japan.

Bitfinex to help develop ‘educational programs’ for crypto aficionados.

HashKey Pro, HashKey Group’s digital asset trading platform, announced its submission of a license application to the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (“SFC”) intending to operate a virtual asset trading platform in Hong Kong.

? Business

Alibaba Group’s Ant Financial, the Chinese online payment firm formerly known as Alipay said it may apply for a digital banking license in Singapore. Up to this point, the Monetary Authority of Singapore said it will issue up to five new digital bank licenses, which will include non-bank players.

Thailand to adopt DLT-based VAT refund service for tourists.

?? Regulations

Henan, China’s police force has captured three crypto criminals all the way in  Cuba and has had them successfully deported. Google translate

China’s National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) may now allow mining activities to go on unhindered after the recently-published finalized “In­dus­trial Struc­tural Ad­just­ment Guid­ance Cat­a­logue” takes effect from Jan 1, 2020.

South Korea plans to invest over $380M for blockchain research and development. Google translate

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