Justin Sun Weibo Blocked the Nth Time; China Regulators Crackdown Ongoing

Justin Sun Weibo Blocked the Nth Time; China Regulators Crackdown Ongoing

On the evening of March 5, Global Coin Research has learned that Tron founder Justin Sun’s new Weibo account “Blockchain Sun Ge” was once again blocked.

According to the information displayed on Weibo, Sun Yuchen ’s account “was unavailable due to complaints about violations of laws and regulations and relevant provisions of the Weibo Community Convention”.

Sun Yuchen then proceeded to go on Twitter and tweeted in Chinese to what appears to be a response to the Weibo issue saying: “How big is this issue. I’m a decentralized Brother Sun. Brother Sun is everywhere.”

In addition, Binance co-founder He Yi’s Weibo account “Coin Circle One One” was also blocked today.

For the same reason that Sun Yuchen ’s new Weibo account was blocked.

This has happened multiple times at this point. On December 12, 2019, the Weibo accounts of Sun Yuchen and He Yi were blocked on the same day. Justin Sun opened a new Weibo account but was blocked again the following day.

Just earlier in December, China’s official news channel issued a statement on December 18 stating that in recent days, criminals have used the “blockchain” banner to hype up virtual currencies and carry out fraud in the name of blockchain. In addition, it also pointed out that the regulators will step up the crackdown and identify those who’ve made violations, including many crypto celebrities and influencers in the social networking site accounts..

Some analysts believe that due to previous frequent crypto circle accidents in the last couple of month, official institutions have begun to increase the scrutiny on the crypto circle once again.

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