Tuesday News Roundup

Tuesday News Roundup

Top News from Friday to Today

China after the Bitcoin halving: exchanges, miners, and leeks. https://bit.ly/3cIxcq1
An essential and practical guide to the Chinese crypto community. https://bit.ly/2ThT6Zt

Alibaba co-founder Jack Ma resigns from SoftBank’s board of directors as the firm posts the worst operating losses in its history. https://bit.ly/2LGpO2l

?Exchange and Markets News

According to public records, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in China approved Binance’s domain name, binance.cn, in April. The domain name is registered under the company Shanghai Bi Nai Shi Information Technology LLC. https://bit.ly/2WKygUR

Will Binance’s mining pool dominate the market? Other pool operators don’t think so. https://bit.ly/3cGt75y

BitMEX’s parent company has unveiled a new developer grant program aimed at building on its previous efforts to provide financial support to those working on open-source projects. https://bit.ly/2WFWyiu

BitMEX and its executives have been accused of engaging in or abetting crimes that include racketeering, money laundering, wire fraud and unlicensed money transmission. https://bit.ly/3cHb7YM

CoinMarketCap just launched alast year rejected the web traffic metric that has catapulted new owners Binance into the top spot. https://bit.ly/3dU2avq


Japan-based Media Do Holdings will be investing $2.8 million towards distributed ledger technology for the distribution of its e-books. https://bit.ly/3fYptGh


FTX has become the first notable platform to launch bitcoin hashrate futures. These products help miners to hedge against bitcoin’s mining difficulty adjustments. https://bit.ly/2zK5Zon

?Coins / Projects

A special collection of CryptoKitties has debuted on Nifty Gateway, the high-brow digital art marketplace backed by the Winklevoss Twins. https://bit.ly/2zQWML2

The COVID-19 crisis has pushed people to seek alternative technological solutions as blockchain and crypto become more popular, including DC/EP. https://bit.ly/2ZaigNs

Data indicates that someone was propping up Bitcoin Cash at a loss prior to the halving. https://bit.ly/2Thd3Q8

Just months after settling with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Block.one is on the receiving end of legal action once again for allegations surrounding its EOS ICO. https://bit.ly/36cx8MU

? Business

Hong Kong-based cryptocurrency platform Crypto.com announced on Friday its MCO Visa card is now shipping to a total of 31 countries in Europe. The platform claims it is the only crypto card provider offering cards in Asia, the full EU, and the U.S. https://bit.ly/2yZVBc9

Top Chinese digital bank WeBank is partnering with OpenNodes to drive blockchain innovation among Singaporean universities. https://bit.ly/3dUdqYK

Germany’s WEG Bank, has partnered with Singaporean technology incubator, Anquan Capital to explore DLT applications in the banking and financial services industries. https://bit.ly/2XbQMUU

Japan-based JCB is partnering with local venture capital firm TECHFUND to create a sustainable blockchain-based transaction system. https://bit.ly/2Zedyyf


The capital of south China’s Guangdong Province, Guangzhou is aiming to be a famous software Chinese city that has blockchain as its characteristics, according to a local report. https://bit.ly/3dUhHvh

China’s Hainan, an island province undertakes the responsibility of China’s establishment of “supervision sandbox”. The local government keeps a positive attitude to the industry as a major exchange including HuobiOKEx has all settled in. https://bit.ly/3dXcbYI

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