An AMA with the Founding Team of DeFine

An AMA with the Founding Team of DeFine

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This week, the $GCR community had an AMA with the founding team of DeFine. DeFine is a social media platform revolving around NFTs where creators and users are able to interact beyond the purchase of NFTs. DeFine has a deep presence in Asia and in this AMA, we talk about their upcoming launch, the state of NFTs in Asia and more!

1.) Hi DeFine team! Welcome to the GCR Discord channel! Tell us a bit about yourself and the project!

Hi, My name is Hoon, currently leading as Global Operation Lead on the DeFine team. I was first introduced to Bitcoin in 2017 as a member of the P2P lending business company and since then, I’ve been part of the global blockchain consulting firm, crypto VC funds, and now involved in the NFT movement with DeFine. 

DeFine is a social media platform revolving around NFTs where creators and users are able to interact beyond the purchase of NFTs. We want to take the NFT movement to a new level where we not only provide a NFT marketplace but also social features for creators, collectors, and fans, serving as a new focal point for all entertainment. In addition, we would like to leverage social interactive elements in Web 3.0 to provide robust user experience and expand existing crypto-enabled NFTs, including digital labels and badge systems. Lastly, we want to enable all creators to freely publish and communicate with their fans through DeFine Art, DeFine Gaming, DeFine Music, and DeFine Studios.

2.) Given your expertise in Asia, what’s the NFT space like in Asia right now?

We’ve seen the majority of the NFT market really take a strong footing in the US and Europe whereas we’ve seen smaller pockets of strong interest in Asia. There hasn’t been a major NFT platform designed to cater to Asian users whereas DeFine began with the concept to appeal to both users in Asian and Western countries. 

For example, back in March, we’ve dropped NFT’s for Mari Kim, the first Korean artist to do so, receiving nationwide news coverage on SBS (Seoul Broadcasting Service) in the process, as well as Bart Baker, the first TikTok influencer in China to NFT his viral videos. We are beginning to see the Asian hemisphere catching up very quickly as our most recent drop involved Sandbox Gaming’s Esports Kart Rider drop. It’s a very exciting time for us to be the first-mover for many top talents to collaborate with DeFine.

3.) What is the DeFine project working on now? What’s the upcoming roadmap like?

We are planning to launch more functions including various social features such as Digital Label, NFT-based honor Badges, Digital Credit System, Metaverse Profile and NFT PLUS. 

We will announce those exciting features in our website and social media channels soon and you can check general information on our website (

2021 Q3

Initiate the DeFine Social Profile system

Launch $DFA Token

Launch DeFine DAO V1.0

Release Governance, Voting, Activity Mining Features

Launch DeFine Gaming and DeFine Music

2021 Q4

Introduce NFT-Fi including Lending and Borrowing

Upgrade Social NFT Platform with Full Community Features(V3.0)

DeFine DAO V2.0

Launch DeFine NFT Collectibles with Mainstream IP

4.) You have some exciting announcements and listing details coming up, can you share more about them?

In the very near future, we will be announcing the release of DFA Tokens on one of the major exchanges. As for our future NFT drops, we are unable to release details at this current time, but we can share that we have a number of Korean talents in the pipeline to drop on the DeFine platform in the coming days. Announcements will be posted shortly so please keep an eye out. We also welcome all NFT creators to join us as early creators and can contact the team at for further questions.

5.) Who has invested in DeFine so far?

DeFine is almost finished with fundraising, and you can see the complete list of investors and partners on the bottom of the website. Recent article about our fundraising is here:

To introduce some of them, Pearl Abyss is the producer and developer of Black Desert, Abyss Company is an entertainment company that manages musicians, artists, and also esports teams. Global blockchain investment companies such as NGC, Draper Dragon, and Seven X have invested and artists like 3LAU have joined as well. 

For our partners, we have Sandbox Network, the largest MCN company in Korea, and My Music Taste, a Kpop performance planning platform. Unlike other projects, we have attracted investment from traditional companies, as well as crypto investors, and we are working together to create various synergies in respective areas.

6.) What’s the hardest thing about building DeFine?

The biggest challenge has been the sudden boom in the NFT industry over the past year. We have been keeping up-to-date with the numerous platforms that have been announced since DeFine has been in the works. The industry has definitely leveled off since the peak in early 2021 but the passion and attention NFTs have received has bolstered the entire market as a whole to where it is ready for its next steps. DeFine is well-positioned to launch as the first social NFT platform and we are excited to showcase our platform’s features to introduce a world where NFTs can be so much more. 

7.) What’s the proudest accomplishment?

DeFine has been one of the leading NFT platforms with many of the firsts in Asia. We have been continuously building for the past several months to release DFA as well as open up some of its social features to the community. The team at DeFine would like to thank many of our early users and artists that have collaborated with us thus far and all those that will join us in the coming days. 

8.) Is honor badge an NFT token? can we trade and capitalize on it?

Honor badges will also be NFTs. At first we will provide loan platforms to that allows collateralization of honor badges.
Limited NFT-based honor badges will be rewarded to those with good historical behavior or interaction on the blockchain, i.e. whales, LPs, yield farmers, etc. Users who had malicious behaviors will be given dishonor labels, i.e. hackers.
We have not yet decided on whether or not to allow the trade of honor badges. Some honor badges might be available for trade, some may not.

9.) Lastly, how can our community members learn more about you?

Feel free to reach out on any of our social channels!

Official website:

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