Infinity Skies — Starting Guide

Infinity Skies —  Starting Guide

The cryptocurrency market has seen a rather grim start to the new year with several of the currencies trading at prices far off from their peak. Bitcoin and ETH are the perfect examples. However, this situation has had a negligible impact on user adoption and retention when it comes to NFTs and Blockchain-based gaming.

According to a study by DappRadar, this success can be attributed to the rising adoption and popularity over the past year to narratives like play-to-earn or the metaverse. Blockchain games continue to be widely used despite the recent negative trend in cryptos.

GameFi is currently the hottest trend in the cryptocurrency market. But, what is GameFi?
GameFi, an amalgamation of Gaming and Finance, essentially enables users to earn digital assets for their gaming efforts. Powered by blockchain technology it ensures verifiable ownership of assets as well as the provision of a marketplace, for trading within and outside the game.

Unlike traditional games, blockchain-based gaming gives users complete ownership over their in-game digital assets. These assets are represented in the form of Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs) that can be traded and sold within the game. Moreover, the native token of the gaming project can be utilized outside for other purposes such as to purchase real-world items.

Gamefi, a combination of traditional gaming with crypto inventions like smart contracts and NFTs provides users a platform to trade, lend as well as borrow against their earnings. Play to Earn modeled gaming is currently dominating the metaverse and is believed to be one of the fastest-growing sectors in the crypto world. While the future of gaming within the crypto world looks bright, the success of a project is largely dependent on the incentives associated with its use. Unique and engaging gameplay coupled with profit-earning abilities tops the charts. Moreover, ownership of gaming assets contributes to a more loyal and engaged user base.

Enter Infinity Skies

Belonging to the Play to Earn genre, Infinity Skies allows users to set their own long-term and short-term goals. The crypto world has a plethora of play-to-earn games but what sets Infinity skies apart is its unique gameplay that has multiple earning mechanics built in. All current offerings are focused on the earning aspect as opposed to the gaming aspect.

A sandbox game that enables players to unleash their creativity and imagination, build magnificent castles in the sky all whilst socializing with other players. The core gameplay revolves around four major gameplay elements: building, trading, socializing, and adventuring. Every player in Infinity Skies has their section of the sky where they can build their castle. The ultimate goal with Infinity Skies is to become the King of Infinity Skies.

The ISKY token leverages blockchain technology to enable gamers to earn, trade, and purchase their way into the sky. The project’s native token can be earned or purchased with fiat currency or other cryptocurrencies. Currently, it is the only way gamers can access and progress in the game. Moreover, all in-game building components, islands, and the associated decorations are all NFTs within the game. Thus, providing gamers with the opportunity to customize the entire island and derive profits through several means; one of which includes selling the in-game assets within the marketplace.


The gameplay is revolved around four elements?—?Building, Trading, Socializing, and Adventuring.

Building would involve building castles by players in their own section of the sky (of course not so simple).
Socializing would entail visiting other castles through the portals thus socializing with the owner and other visitors of the island.
Trading would happen through the infinity exchange through the Skyblocks (ISKY) token.
Adventuring would entail going on quests which would be full-fledged games of their own.

Infinity Skies will thus be a metaverse where the islands will be the starting grounds to venture into these different games.

The gameplay demo version was recently opened to the public, available on PCs. In the words of the project chief, “while the game demo is pretty well-polished, it is only the beginning of what Infinity Skies will be in the next couple of months”.

Let’s see what all you can do for now in the Demo.

It all begins with a small plot of land that has different grids marked to place the items on. The building menu at present consists of walls, pavement, and decoration items besides the Islands. You can add more plots of land. The portal to other islands is located at the center of the plot but is locked in the demo. The UI is intuitive with simple drag, drop and rotate options. There are hints at the bottom of the page to help you get going. If this description has got you all excited perhaps it’s time to download the demo.

Getting started with Infinity Skies?—?Walkthrough

1. To get started, Log on to Infinity Skies. Click on the Game option.

2. Connect your wallet to the Polygon network by clicking on the Login with Metamask option.

3. In the actual game, you will have to enter the credential details. For GameplayDemo, click on the skip option.

4. Download the Windows version of the game. For now Android, iOS and Mac users will have to wait.

5. Once you have the demo downloaded, feel free to play to get the game vibes. Users at the moment can also provide liquidity and get their hands on the ISKY token by clicking on the DeFi option.

6. You can get both the LP tokens and the ISKY tokens from Quickswap. Simply click on the option and it will take you there.

7. Stake the LP tokens and earn Quicksilver Fragments in exchange. Fragments are uncapped ERC-20 utility tokens that are tradeable and can be fused into 3 different ERC-1155 summoning crystals. Presently, only Vault staking is available.

Get more information on Infinity Skies from their official channels listed below

?Discord | Twitter | Website | Medium


Substack, Loop, Torum, Odysee, Twitter, Youtube, Publish0x, Presearch, Medium

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