Chris Abiaad – Product Manager’s Lens on Investing

Chris Abiaad – Product Manager’s Lens on Investing

Chris Abiaad is the founder of Frens Capital, a liquid venture fund with a long-only strategy investing based on fundamentals. He previously spent 10 years as a builder in Web2 focused on product, working with data companies such as Chris has been involved in the cryptocurrency market since 2016 while he was pursuing his MBA at Cornell Tech. He’s since built a vast knowledge base of the markets and a solid investment track record, which has led him to the launch of Frens Capital in June of 2022.


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Global Coin Research (“GCR”) is a community-first research and investment DAO. GCR’s mission is to create a community-driven investment DAO where the best web3 deals are sourced by community members for community members.  This discussion was recorded in our Discord.  You can find more information about us and how to join at


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