Category: GCR Exclusive

mysten labs gcr

Why GCR Invested in Mysten ...

Introduction As the Crypto and Web3 industry continues to gain momentum, there is a growing ...

kevin rose hack

How Kevin Rose is Updating ...

Kevin Rose, CEO and co-founder of non-fungible token (NFT) collective Proof, recently suffered a hack ...

Global Coin Research 2023 Market Outlook

GCR’s 2023 Outlook

We go over our 2022 portfolio health, and then share each GCR Deal Leads’ outlook ...

Global Coin Research Fourth Quarter 2022 Report

GCR Investment Review – Fourth ...

By Cosmo Jiang, Jin Kang, Junney Kang Highlights GCR is a research and investment DAO. As a community, ...

14:35 / 40:59 GCR Liquid Podcast: James Hutchins, North Island Ventures

James Hutchins – North Island ...

GCR Liquid Podcast: James Hutchins, North Island Ventures

Greg d’Incelli - Scenius and the FTX impact on allocator appetite - Global Coin Research

Greg d’Incelli – Scenius and ...

Gregory d’Incelli is the co-founder of Scenius Capital. Scenius is a digital assets and blockchain ...

A Conversation with Talos, a ...

Institutional traders are pouring into the crypto industry as the crypto market becomes more and ...

Amit - Chainforest

Amit Mukherjee – Chainforest: Community ...

Amit Mukherjee is the founder of Chainforest. It is a venture DAO that invests primarily ...

Brett Palatiello – Bringing Nuance ...

Brett Palatiello is a partner and head of blockchain at Interplay. Interplay is a platform ...

Nihar Shah and Lucas Baker ...

Nihar Shah and Lucas Baker are researchers and investors at Jump Crypto, the crypto division ...

Adam Struck – Early Stage ...

Adam Struck is the Founder and Managing Partner at Struck Crypto. Adam is also the ...

global coin research

Solana Mobile Stack: Web3 Goes ...

Solana Mobile Stack (SMS) was announced on 23rd June and as with everything Solana, they ...